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FREDRICK TAYLOR: A Study in Personality and Innovation, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970)


UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, Editor (with Kamla Chowdhry), Delhi: Tata-McGraw Hill, 1970


CONFLICT AND CHOICE: Indian Youth in a Changing Society,(with Kamla Cowdhry), (Bombay: Somaiya, 1971)


Editor and contributor, with an introduction, IDENTITY AND ADULTHOOD, (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1980). 3rd Impression, 1998


THE ANALYST AND THE MYSTIC, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992),

Indian Edition (Delhi: Penguin-Viking, 1991)


LA FOLLE ET LE SAINT, (with C.Clement), (Paris: du Seuil, 1993)

German translation Der Heilige und die Verrueckte (Munich: Beck Verlag, 1993)

Italian translation, La Folle e il Santo (Rome: Corbaccio, 1998)

Portugese translation A Louca e o Santo (Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumara, 1997


CULTURE AND PSYCHE: Selected Essays, (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996)

2nd Edition, 2008

U.S.Edition (New York: Psyche Press, 1997)

German edition (Glessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2012)

Italian edition (Rome: Alpes Italia, 2017)


THE INDIAN PSYCHE (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996), (Delhi: Viking, 1996)


THE ESSENTIAL WRITINGS OF SUDHIR KAKAR (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001)